Sunday, July 12, 2015

Post Surgery Scans

On Wednesday, July 8th, we were scheduled to go down to The Huntsman Cancer Institute for CT-Scans, X-rays, and blood tests to see if there was any cancer remaining.  We completed all of the tests and there is no trace of the cancer!!!  The doctor said that there is an 8% chance that in the next 2 years the cancer may return, but that is a 92% chance that it won't!!!!  They also said that from here on out, the monitoring of my recovery can be transferred to Idaho Falls, so we won't have to travel to Salt Lake any more for testing.  I am so grateful for the skillful doctors that treated me.  They did such a marvelous job.  Thank you everyone for all of your prayers.  They worked!!!  I still have a ways to go in my recovery, but everything is looking good for now!!!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Dan's 6 week post surgery check up

On Wednesday of this week, Dan and I traveled to Utah for his 6 week check up with his doctor.  My mother in law stayed home with the kids while we drove there and back in one day again.  This trip without kids is pretty easy for us now!  Especially since Dan is getting better. 

He reported to his doctor that he is not in much pain when doing light-medium activity and that he has been working about 15-20 hours a week. Dan is not on a low fat diet anymore, and according to the doctors he is doing perfect for his recovery.  Right on schedule.  His biggest hurdle right now and desire is trying to get his energy up to normal (what's that anymore anyway?) and working full time and helping our family out at home.

He had blood work done also on Wednesday and we got a call from them on Thursday that his cancer marker levels were all normal! We were kinda expecting that since his biggest type of Cancer was Teretoma and that doesn't elevate the tumor markers. So that means he still doesn't need Chemo and getting better is the goal and plan.  We will go for another appointment in July for a CT scan of his abdomen and a chest x-ray, and blood work.  After that, the plan is to have blood drawn and a chest x-ray done every 2-4 months for the first year of recovery.

Thank you to all of you who have still supported us financially, have brought in meals, have helped me with my kids, and continued to pray for Dan! 


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

1 Month Post-Surgery Update

Well, it has been a little over a month since the surgery and we thought we would give everyone an update.  Since we have been back at home, I have been trying to rest and train my body how to work again.  It has been difficult at times, but I have had a lot of support from everyone around me.  I am thankful for all of the support from friends, family, and neighbors who have helped our family.  We couldn't have done it without your help.  I am not having a lot of pain now, but I don't have a lot of energy.

My family has been so helpful and understanding.  Today, Rachelle and Kaylee had to go get something at the school.  As they were walking, Kaylee saw a dandelion that had turned all white and puffy.  Rachelle told her to make a wish.  She didn't even hesitate,  and she said, "I wish for daddy to feel better."  My kids have been so understanding.  I don't get to interact with them like I used to, but we try to find activities that aren't too physically demanding to do together.

I have been working from home a little and try to get in to the office as much as I can.  So far this week, I have been in to work every day, even if it is just for a few hours each day.  I am grateful for an amazing boss and coworkers who have been patient with my recovery and covered for me when I am not feeling well enough to fulfill my responsibilities.

We have an appointment in two weeks in Salt Lake for blood tests and follow-up on the surgery.  We anticipate the tests turning out fine.  The next big step will be in about 2 more months when we do another scan to see if there is any cancer that they missed, or anything that came back.  Until then, I will keep working to recover and get stronger.

Thanks again for all of the love and support.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

More Good News

We got a call from the doctor yesterday.  He said that the blood test results came back and everything is within normal ranges which means that we are officially in surveillance mode.  Meaning, we are just working on healing from the surgery and then we will continue testing to see if any cancer remains or comes back.

It has been a long couple of weeks.  Thank you to all of you who have helped in any way.  Your love and support has been felt and appreciated.  I would like to especially thank my wife who has been amazing through the process.  Any time I have struggled, she has been there to help me feel better.  There is no way I could have done this without her.  We will keep everyone updated as we know more, but for now, things are looking good.


Saturday, April 11, 2015

Dr. Appointment and Pathology Report from Surgery

This past week, Dan hasn't been on very much pain killers, and he has felt it.  It's been another painful week, and he keeps thinking that he should feel better the next and then is dissapointed. This is definately a long haul kind of recovery.  I tell him he should think about it in terms of weeks, like next week will be better than the one before.  He told me I didn't need to get him a refill on his pain killers, but the Tylenol and Mortrin were not helping. It is still just his insides that hurt when he eats food.  Sleeping is still difficult at night with nightmares or trouble getting comfortable. His appetite is coming back slowly and he is eating a little more. 


At Dan's post surgery appointment we found out that Dan's incision is healing well, and his stomach felt normal to the doctor.  The doctor told him to call if the pain gets any worse, but that he needs to give it more time for the pain to subside.  We got a refill on his prescription to help with the pain and it is working better!  The doctor explained to us the pathology report:

1. 14 Lymph nodes were positive with Teratoma Cancer ( we thought from the CT Scan there were about 5)  Almost all of the lymph nodes were this kind of cancer that would not have responded to chemotherapy and so we, and the doctor, are very glad we went with the surgery!  If we had started with Chemotherapy, he would have had to have the surgery afterward also, guaranteed.  It is a possibility that Dan will not have anymore treatments!!!  If the Teratoma Cancer comes back ever, Dan will have more surgery to remove it.

2.  There was a minute amount of cancer that is a seminoma, which means it could respond to chemotherapy, and that was the reason his tumor markers were elevated.  The doctors are not too concerned by this because it was such a small amount.  If the tumor markers stay low at a 1-2 or less, they will not need to do anymore treatments.  If however, the numbers go up again, it means there are some left in his body, and it's spreading, and Dan will have to do 3 cycles of Chemotherapy.  They drew more blood for labs at the appointment, and we should know the results on Monday-ish.  If they are the same or lower, we will begin to feel like Dan is on surveillance and can rest from being treated!!  We look forward to moving on with life, and thinking about our future.

3.  The doctors will watch Dan closely for the next year by drawing blood every 1-2 months and performing a CT scan every 3-4 months, that way, they can catch anything early if something changes.  Dan has another follow up appointment in one month from now, in Utah, to check the surgery site and tumor markers again.  And then a CT Scan in about 3 months from now.

So that was all pretty good news, we had been hoping that all the cancer was Teratoma, and almost all of it was, and we were glad that his tumor markers went down to 1 after the surgery!  We will post more after Monday when we hear back what the tumor markers are now.

And thank you so much, for all the people that have helped us get ready for our trip to Utah, and helped us while in Utah!  We are home now, and Dan is happy to start getting back to normal life.  If he can manage without the oxycodone medicine, he would like to try to go in to work for several hours next week.  He cannot drive while one that medicine though, but I know he is very determined.


Sunday, April 5, 2015

Pluggin away

Friday was much like Thursday, but ended up being worse in retrospect to Dan's pain.  I know I said this for Thursday, but I have never seen him in this much pain, as I did on Friday.  He was tired emotional and physically, and he hit a breaking point.  He was so miserable for being in pain for so long.  That night my dad gave him a blessing.  We gave him 3 oxycodone medication pills, despite the chance of hallucinations and put Dan to bed.  I layed next to him while he calmed down and fell asleep.  When he woke I was there telling him where he was, and that none of what he dreamed was true.  Then I pulled a mattress onto the floor and slept in his room. I haven't been sleeping next to him because I don't want to accidentally hurt him in my sleep by rolling over or hugging him.  He actually did pretty well during the night.  On the up side, Dan told me that his doctor said that his cancer markers went down to 1 after the surgery.  That is super awesome!  The doctor wants the markers to be less than 1, so he still wants to find out what they are missing.  We are still wondering if with time it will be at 0, maybe after is post surgery appointment.  He is going in the right direction though!  We still have not heard what the pathology report is on the cancer they removed.

Saturday, Dan's stomach didn't hurt him as bad, he had a much better day, or at least could handle it better.  We were able to watch all of conference and actually hear what was said because our four older kids were in Idaho at Grandma Hymas' house! Dan, Cami, and I were able to lounge around, watch tv, and get some much needed rest!  Still, the hardest thing to deal with is how dan's stomach feels when he eats food.  He thinks digesting the food is what hurts so badly.

Sunday, Dan did better again.  All weekend Dan received more mail from his nieces and nephew, they were the cutest letters and drawings and get well cards.  Every time they made Dan smile and feel loved no matter how bad his pain was!  He continues to walk about often, he can sit, lay on a couch or recliner, so he can be in many different places resting.  He is eating  more foods but still very gentle foods and he has lost a total of 12 pounds so far because of not being able to eat normally (or not at all) for a week and half.  Tomorrow I'm going to call his doctor to request more pain killers since he is about out, and also see if the pathology report is in. Our kids came back to us today, and I think Cami is so happy!  She loved being an only child for a couple days, but she started getting bored without them.


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Out of the Hospital

Dan has been progressing every day more than we expect.  Dan got discharged from the hospital on Tuesday late morning!  It's kind of funny to me, because on Monday when Dan was in the hospital, he said he would need something or someone to hang onto while walking places once we got home (to my parents house).  So I went home and brainstormed with my parents, and people from my mom's ward generously let us borrow a wheel chair so we could wheel Dan down the yard around to the back and into the basement of the house so Dan wouldn't have to use the stairs in the house.  And someone else let us borrow a walker that he could use in case I couldn't be right there when he needed to get up.

Well, to my surprise, when I went to pick Dan up at the hospital on Tuesday, we was walking without anything and quicker around the hospital halls!  The Physical Therapist even had him walk up a few stairs before going home. What?! He was doing great.  When we arrived at my parent's house, he didn't listen to me to stay in the car, he got out walking to the back of the house, into the house and got in bed.  At least the kids have been having fun with the wheel chair.   Dan has used the walker once or twice, to help him change clothes, but walks around without assistance.  Tuesday was a happy day getting out of the hospital.  He shaved, and would go to his bed for a nap, and come back to the family room when he was awake.  Dan also started introducing some food into his body, like fat free pringles, crackers, and cottage cheese.  It really wasn't much food though, he is not hungry after taking a few bites at a time.

Wednesday, Dan was a little bit down, one reason was he experienced hiccups that was understandably painful for him.  But I think he was maybe more sore from all the movement he's been making.  He still does many things on his own, it's amazing.  He tried a little more food and more of a variety like green smoothie, raspberries, a fourth of a turkey and cheese sandwich, and broth.  Again, he eats so little, but more than the day before.  I told Dan that I'd eat with him on his low fat diet, well I had been going stir crazy for a couple of days with no junk in my parents' house, that I cooked up some frozen cookie dough upstairs.  I ate my cookie immediately, when Dan surprises all of us by his walking up the stairs to catch me eating that cookie!  Caught red handed.  But, what was he doing anyway tackling the stairs, haha?!  The kids love to be around him again!  Cami expects him to pick her up but she is okay also with Dan just rubbing the top of her head or holding her hand for a moment.  She just is so delighted to see her dad!  The other kids love it too, and are helpful to keep toys out of the way so Dad can walk easier and especially Trey is helpful when I need him to play with Cami while I clean up, get Dan something, or simply want to go to the bathroom.

Today has been a rough day all day long for Dan.  First of all, he had really bad hallucinations all night long, from the medications, and woke up many times not knowing where he was or what was going on.  The dreams were bad too, and he was just pretty upset this morning with how the night went.  He didn't want to take the oxycodone anymore, but didn't know if just Tylenol would work and keep his pain down.  Secondly, his insides were feeling weird and it felt more painful, like they were moving around in there not knowing where to settle.  A couple of people said they felt the same thing when they had other surgeries, like as if the insides were swollen before, and when the swelling went down, the insides would move around whenever you do.  Dan is in more pain today getting up to move, so he is trying to stay down more.  I don't know if he feels this way, but from the cringe on his face, I have not seen him in more pain then today.  T.V. is a good distraction, and he must take that oxycodone and tylenol every 4 hours.  He asked me to buy him a warming pad to place where it hurts.  We know that there will be many better days, and sometimes, days that are just more difficult with this healing process.  The first time I saw Dan smile today was when he received a letter from Nolan, our nephew, that said to get well soon! Thanks Nolan, you made his day brighter!  Also, Dan's Aunt Myrna came by tonight and we had a lovely visit with her!  She was so sweet to bring cookies and jello jigglers, which is something Dan can eat!  He has eaten a little more again today, so that is progress.  He is trying his best to get more nutrients for his healing and to give him strength.  He has had green smoothies, finished his turkey sandwich, yogurt, berries, cucumbers and gatorade.  I hope he sleeps better tonight!

My parents have been so awesome to help with the kids this entire time, I couldn't do it without them! I can't even imagine.  The kids are planning to spend the weekend with their Grandma Hymas to give me and my parent's a break, and they are excited!  We are grateful to our family and friends, my friend Whitney also took most of my kids on the surgery day for a play date at her house. Thanks everyone!
