Monday, March 30, 2015

Hospital Stay Day 3 and 4.


Yesterday (Sunday) was the hardest day for Dan.  Not only was he dealing with the incision pain, but stomach bloating, and back pain from being stuck in bed all the time.  My in laws told me that he seemed kinda down and the mornings appeared harder for him.  They started giving him little amounts of liquids so he could start taking some pills and get off the pain pump.  He got to have 300ml every 12 hours, that is not much, but something.  I got to the hospital around 1:45 and he seemed to be a little more ok with things by then.  He accomplished a lot in the way of checking off milestones that would allow him to be discharged. He walked more times and further and faster then the day before, and I was just so proud of him for moving to get stronger and keep his circulation good despite feeling his worst.  When the doctor came in he said that it would be Tuesday or Wednesday before being discharged.

Day 4:

(Monday)This morning Dan had his brother and sis in law. Devry and Chelsey, come visit him, he doesn't like to be alone at the hospital, and since they were in town they came to see him.  Today has been much better for Dan.  His pain is not too bad and he switched from I.V. medicine to pills. The doctor took out Dan's I.V. and only is hooked up to  a monitor for his pulse rate.  Dan's bloating isn't as bad either and he is getting up and out of bed so much better and walking a little faster too.  The doctor says we can probably bring him home tomorrow!  Dan is soooo happy about that, and the kids are excited to see him!

Today he was approved to have all the clear liquids he wants, and was able to begin trying out food.  His stomach has shrunk over the past 4 days so all he ate as about 10 crackers and a quarter of a bagel by the time I left the hospital at 3pm.  So far he is tolerating the food pretty well.  He is required to be on a low fat diet for a month because his lymph nodes wont be able to process high fat foods for a while.  It is so great that Dan is feeling better today and moving so much more, he is just doing so great for just having had surgery!


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