Sunday, March 22, 2015

More Thanks this week.

First of all, we might be extending our stay in Utah until April 11th now.  Everything is so tentative though. I am grateful that my cousin, Cindy and her husband Joel will be house sitting for us while we are gone.  There have been stressful times this past week, I think with it getting closer to the surgery day and the overwhelming emotions, fatigue, and amount of things to get done before then. But still we are overall doing good and so blessed by you all!

Early this past week my husband's uncle Rick stopped by with an encouraging card and poster and donation.  He told me to tell Dan that there will be an end to all this!  Rick and his wife have battled Cancer before.  Not an easy road, for sure, but they are an inspiration for us.

My dear friend Hannah visited on Monday night and so kindly surprised us with dinners to freeze!  I love that, it helps so much!

On Tuesday Dan and I were able to squeeze in a temple visit and it was so needed!  When we arrived home, we found out that our neighbor Carolyn Hawks had dropped by with a cake, card, and donation. She is a great neighbor and also Carter's teacher in primary.

I heard from my brother and sis in law from Texas, Aaron and Ari, early in the week too checking in on us, as well as many other friends seeing how we were and if we needed anything at the store!  I also received kind invitations to a couple activities from people, unfortunately we were completely book, but I appreciated the thought!

Dan's boss sent home fresh raspberries for our family to enjoy!

We were fed a pizza dinner by Dan's brother and his wife, Devry and Chelsey, when we attended our nephews' 3rd birthday party, which was so fun to spend time with family this past week!  We were able to get together to play games Friday night too with Tim, Danizza, Devry, and Chelsey.

My friend Nicole was so great, she offered to watch my girls at the park while I ran many errands, and then she gave me dinner to take home also!

Dan has a co-worker that offered to have her husband take family pictures for us on Friday! They did such an amazing job with our photos and working with all our kids, we are so grateful for them!! I cannot wait to post those pics, and I would highly recommend getting your photo shoots done by them!  It is Sam and Sara Hiatt in Idaho Falls.  I will give you better info when I post the pics!

Robyn dropped off the sweetest necklace for me that says, "We can do hard things."

I have the best family and friends!  You are the reason we can do these hard things, you lift our burdens to become light, and we feel of your support!

Continued thanks from us,


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