Sunday, April 5, 2015

Pluggin away

Friday was much like Thursday, but ended up being worse in retrospect to Dan's pain.  I know I said this for Thursday, but I have never seen him in this much pain, as I did on Friday.  He was tired emotional and physically, and he hit a breaking point.  He was so miserable for being in pain for so long.  That night my dad gave him a blessing.  We gave him 3 oxycodone medication pills, despite the chance of hallucinations and put Dan to bed.  I layed next to him while he calmed down and fell asleep.  When he woke I was there telling him where he was, and that none of what he dreamed was true.  Then I pulled a mattress onto the floor and slept in his room. I haven't been sleeping next to him because I don't want to accidentally hurt him in my sleep by rolling over or hugging him.  He actually did pretty well during the night.  On the up side, Dan told me that his doctor said that his cancer markers went down to 1 after the surgery.  That is super awesome!  The doctor wants the markers to be less than 1, so he still wants to find out what they are missing.  We are still wondering if with time it will be at 0, maybe after is post surgery appointment.  He is going in the right direction though!  We still have not heard what the pathology report is on the cancer they removed.

Saturday, Dan's stomach didn't hurt him as bad, he had a much better day, or at least could handle it better.  We were able to watch all of conference and actually hear what was said because our four older kids were in Idaho at Grandma Hymas' house! Dan, Cami, and I were able to lounge around, watch tv, and get some much needed rest!  Still, the hardest thing to deal with is how dan's stomach feels when he eats food.  He thinks digesting the food is what hurts so badly.

Sunday, Dan did better again.  All weekend Dan received more mail from his nieces and nephew, they were the cutest letters and drawings and get well cards.  Every time they made Dan smile and feel loved no matter how bad his pain was!  He continues to walk about often, he can sit, lay on a couch or recliner, so he can be in many different places resting.  He is eating  more foods but still very gentle foods and he has lost a total of 12 pounds so far because of not being able to eat normally (or not at all) for a week and half.  Tomorrow I'm going to call his doctor to request more pain killers since he is about out, and also see if the pathology report is in. Our kids came back to us today, and I think Cami is so happy!  She loved being an only child for a couple days, but she started getting bored without them.


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